Sunday, September 26, 2010

Going for 1 Million Views. I don't write shit on my blogger but some how I got thousands of fews? :D

-My name is Jesse Terry
-I'm 16 years old
-I have perfect spelling
-I ♥ Trolls
-My GamerTag on Xbox is "iMM GoD"
-I am well known on the internet
-I browse /b/
-I am a chill person
-I block because I can, not because I'm scared of you or whatever you wanna think.
-I've made over 20 Grand just online
-That last post proves if I can make money online, you can too.
-I've been fucked over some many times just trying to help people
-Geret Smith is my bestfriend.
-My favorite movie is V for Vendetta
-Rules 1&2 only apply during RAIDS... newfags.
-My favorite is Purple
-I have hosted countless websites
-Alot of people hate me for reasons I don't know of.
-I don't ever write shit on here, but I still get the views and honestly thats all I care about.
-I could give a fuck less if your reading this.
-Nothing last forever.
-School & People make you change ALOT.
-My Current mission... To gain 1 million views.
-Thanks for reading!
-If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

Free Hit Counter
^^^Thats how many people has came on my page. :D Thanks!